This is the story of Vincent Louis Gigante, the Genovese Family crime overlord who ruled a sprawling criminal empire for a quarter century with an iron-and deadly-fist. Vinnie "Chin" Gigante displayed signs of insanity that stunned the public, stymied the police and the FBI, and secured his power for decades. Was he really crazy? Or crazy like a fox?
Operation Family Secrets
Frank Calabrese, Paul Pompian, Keith Zimmerman, Kent Zimmerman
Philip Carlo
audiobookSonny : The Last of the Old Time Mafia Bosses, John "Sonny" Franzese
S.J. Peddie
audiobookThe Deadly Don
Anthony M. DeStefano
audiobookA Man of Honor
Joseph Bonanno
audiobookMaking Jack Falcone
Joaquin "Jack" Garcia, Michael Levin
audiobookThe Sixth Family
Lee Lamothe, Adrian Humphreys
audiobookDouble Cross
Sam Giancana, Chuck Giancana
audiobookKing of the Godfathers
Anthony M. DeStefano
audiobookDeal with the Devil : The FBI's Secret Thirty-Year Relationship with a Mafia Killer
Peter Lance
audiobookVinny Gorgeous
Anthony M. DeStefano
audiobookMickey Cohen
Tere Tereba