In the first installment of Loretta Lost's Clarity series, Helen Winters's world has always been dark, but Dr. Liam Larson might be able to change everything...
Rancher's Law
Diana Palmer
audiobookSet to Music
Negeen Papehn
audiobookDeranged Ink #1 : Daxton
C. A. Harms
audiobookPieces of Rhys
L. D. Davis
audiobookA Love For All Time
Laura Landon
audiobookTargeted In Silver Creek
Delores Fossen
audiobookSmokin' Six-Shooter
B.J. Daniels
audiobookSecurity Blanket
Delores Fossen
audiobookFall Guy
Liz Reinhardt
audiobookLow Love, Low Fidelity
Love Belvin
audiobookWord of Honor
Hallee Bridgeman
audiobookSecondary Target
Angela Carlisle