
Clear Your Karma Powerful Meditation For Women : ancestral lineage trauma, deep wounded heartbreaks hurts depression, cut ties from manipulations control abuses, past lives abandonments, trust life


This guided meditation will aim at releasing karmas that block the flow of your yin energy, your feminine life force in all time-space and dimensions past present, and future We will break all vows contracts, and ties that do not serve you.

Women had been accumulated suppressed memories and traumas from past lives, our ancestors. The memories affect the natural flow of womanhood and need to be released

In this audiobook, you will,

Remove female ancestors traumas Release and cut off past lives abusive relationships Let go of all emotional baggage from the family lineage break the vows of sufferings, powerlessness, abandonment etc. Release physical disease imprints Let go of unloving undeserving self-sabotaging patterns Regain the power as a woman Free from karmic debt And much much more!

This mediation is a very powerful one. Allow yourself to have space before and after the meditation for full integration. You deserve to be free and be a powerful woman!

Narrator: Chantalia