Have you ever wondered how Triceratops defended itself against meat-eating dinos? Or which plant-eater had the biggest appetite? This fascinating book is crammed full of incredible facts about the tallest, the best-protected, and the hungriest plant-eating dinosaurs! Learn about the sauropod that was as big as three T. Rex-and many more gentle giants-in this ferocious guide to the prehistoric world.
The Dino Painter
Mohammed Ayya
bookThe Dangerous Book of Dinosaurs : Are You Ready to Come Face-to-Face with a T-Rex?
Liz Miles
bookDino Safari : Grab your gear and join the adventure!
Liz Miles
bookVi kan börja nu, Johanna!
Eva Wikander
bookDino in a Downpour- A Roaringly Good Time
Mohammed Ayya
bookThe Big Book of Dinosaur Questions & Answers
Ben Hubbard
bookChildren's Illustrated Atlas of the World
Dino Kalogjera
bookDinosaurs And Their World
Paul Harrison
bookDino Discovers A Delicious Surprise
Mohammed Ayya
bookThe Playful Orca Pod
Mohammed Ayya
bookMaking Wooden Dinosaur Toys and Puzzles : Jurassic Giants to Make and Play With
Judy Peterson, Dave Peterson
bookThe Atlas of Dinosaurs
Paula Hammond