Have you ever wondered what T. rex ate for breakfast? Or how the king of the dinosaurs caught its prey with such tiny arms? This fascinating book is crammed full of incredible facts about this ancient monster, which was as big as a bus and had a bite three times as powerful as a lion's! Learn about one of the most fearsome creatures ever to walk the Earth-and the other dinos it hunted-in this ferocious guide to the prehistoric world.
The Dino Painter
Mohammed Ayya
bookThe Dangerous Book of Dinosaurs : Are You Ready to Come Face-to-Face with a T-Rex?
Liz Miles
bookDino Safari : Grab your gear and join the adventure!
Liz Miles
bookVi kan börja nu, Johanna!
Eva Wikander
bookDino in a Downpour- A Roaringly Good Time
Mohammed Ayya
bookThe Big Book of Dinosaur Questions & Answers
Ben Hubbard
bookChildren's Illustrated Atlas of the World
Dino Kalogjera
bookDinosaurs And Their World
Paul Harrison
bookDino Discovers A Delicious Surprise
Mohammed Ayya
bookThe Playful Orca Pod
Mohammed Ayya
bookMaking Wooden Dinosaur Toys and Puzzles : Jurassic Giants to Make and Play With
Judy Peterson, Dave Peterson
bookThe Atlas of Dinosaurs
Paula Hammond