âApowerful meditation on the undying nature of love and the often cruel beauty ofoneâs own fate. This is a novel you simply must read!â âAndre Dubus III, New York Times bestselling author of Townie FromSimon Van Booy, the award-winning author of LoveBegins in Winter and The Secret Lives of People in Love, comesa debut novel of longing and discovery amidst the ruins of Athens. Withechoes of Nicole Kraussâs The History of Love and CharlesBaxterâs The Feast of Love, Van Booyâsresonant tale of threeisolated, disaffected adults discovering one another in Greece is thecompelling product of an inquisitive, visionary talent. In the words of RobertOlen Butler, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of A Good Scent from a StrangeMountain, âSimon Van Booy knows a great deal about the complex longings of thehuman heart.â