
Evil Serial Killers : In the Minds of Monsters


Our fascination with serial killers is at once disturbing and understandable: disturbing because, according to society's mores, we should condemn the killers' crimes and avoid all thought of their horrific actions, but understandable because we are so fascinated by their motives. What leads them to behave in such perverted ways? And what makes them become killers who strike again and again?

Charlotte Greig has selected fifty of the world's most infamous serial killers, ranging from Jack the Ripper to Ted Bundy. When compared, it is easy to see similar themes emerging: the loners, David Berkowitz and Anatoly Onoprienko, who both wrought revenge on a society which they felt had rejected them; those who kill purely for sexual thrills, like Albert Fish or John Christie; and occult practitioners like the Chicago Rippers and Richard Ramirez who were inspired by macabre rituals to take their dark fantasies into even darker realities.

Whatever the personal stories that emerge from this lineup of twisted individuals, Evil Serial Killers is a compelling testament, and warning, of the potential of human behaviour for true horror and pure evil.


• Ted Bundy

• Harold Shipman

• Ed Gein

• Jack the Ripper

• Aileen Wuornos

• John Muhammad

• Charles Cullen

• Belle Gunness

• Joseph Paul Franklin