
Handover of Power - Free Market Economy


Free Market Economy rethought

Do you sometimes worry that the state will impose so many regulations on you that you will no longer be able to compete on the world market? And do you also want trade to be as free as possible in this world? How could a high risk lead to maximum profits without causing damage to uninvolved parties?

This book tells us:

... how an economic form with few taxes and requirements can create the greatest possible independence from the state.

... how companies can buy state services or do without them, depending on their needs.

... which currency can connect the free economic forms worldwide and at the same time protect other economic forms.

After 20 years of work on this book series, Andreas Seidl thus ventures a step towards founding a party. In doing so, he entertains his readers both intellectually and visionarily. If this work can give you hope, inspire you or move you to action, it has fulfilled its purpose.

Available in German and English