
How a Second Grader Beats Wall Street


Investing is simple, but never easy. We carry a lot of investment baggage, including hot tips from friends and the financial media, as well as complicated financial recommendations from Wall Street "experts." Yet the biggest obstacle we face is the tendency to outsmart ourselves.

In order to overcome this obstacle, you need to follow straightforward strategies that will consistently push your portfolio ahead of the pack by an additional 3 to 4 percent annually. These are strategies that work in up markets and especially in times of market crisis and panic. Most importantly, these strategies are basic enough for even a kid to understand.

Follow the story of Kevin Roth-an eight-year-old who was schooled in simple approaches to sound investing by his father, a seasoned financial planner-and discover how simple it can be to become a successful investor. Learn how to create a portfolio with the widest diversification and lowest costs; one that can move up your financial freedom by a decad

Narrator: Scott Peterson