Decode body language, pick up on the subtlest of gestures, and effortlessly connect with people even without saying a word! Do you want to know what other people are thinking?
We all do, but it's not always easy to figure out. You might not always be sure if they're telling the truth, or if they're just trying to manipulate you.
You can’t help but feel like you're missing out on a lot of important information. Most people are terrible at reading body language and understanding what other people are thinking.
How to Read People Like a Book will teach you everything you need to know about analyzing and decoding body language, intentions, thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and more.
You'll learn the techniques used by top negotiators, detectives, and therapists to get inside people's heads and understand exactly what they're thinking.
How to read people's facial expressions, gestures, and posture Subtle techniques for uncovering hidden intentions Strategies for decoding body language signals in different contexts — from job interviews to courtship situations. Tips on deciphering non-verbal communication so you can respond accordingly How to interpret vocal cues When to trust your gut Different communication styles and the type of people that use them You'll be able to spot body language cues that indicate deception, establish trust and rapport in any situation, identify hidden emotions, read the underlying intentions behind people's words, and navigate difficult conversations with ease.
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Jag hittade den här guiden väldigt unik från de andra böckerna som jag har läst. Detta är precis vad jag letar efter!!! 😊
Jag har lärt mig så mycket från denna ljudbok, och det har gett mig ett nytt perspektiv på hur man interagerar med människor.
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