
How to Study the Bible for Greatest Profit


This book

has been written for two reasons: first, because it seemed to be needed;

second, to save the writer time and labor. Letters are constantly coming in

from all quarters asking how to study the Bible. It is impossible to refuse to

answer a question so important as that, but it takes much time to answer it at

all as it should be answered. This book is written as an answer to those who

have asked the question, and to those who may wish to ask it. Nothing is more

important for our own mental, moral and spiritual development, or for our

increase in usefulness, than Bible study. But not all Bible study is equally

profitable. Some Bible study is absolutely profitless. โ€œHow to study the Bible

so as to get the largest profit from it,โ€ is a question of immeasurable

importance. The answer to the question, found in this book, has been for the

most part given in addresses by the author, at the Chicago Bible Institute,

before the summer gatherings of college students, at ministerial conferences

and Y. M. C. A. conventions. Many, especially ministers, who have heard these

addresses have asked that they might be put in a permanent shape. I have

promised for two years to comply with this request, but have never found time

to do so until now.