This book is a sequel to "Kingdom". In the first volume, I have presented a chess problem series which contained a two-move and a three-move chess problem for all the 64 squares. 2X64=128 problems!
In this second volume, you can find two miniature helpmate problems for every square, a two-move and a three-move one, that adds up to 128.
In the two volumes together, you will find a unique, record long series of 256 miniature chess problems. With the help of my chess-historian friend György Négyesi, I have searched through databases, and as it turns out, no one has ever made anything like this in the world, at least not in Hungary. The WFCC doesn't know about a record of this type either.
All of these are miniature problems - involving seven chesspieces at most. These helpmate problems will give you a rather peculiar challenge, beginners could even solve them as well. But don't forget, you have to follow a different way of thinking. Have fun!