Though this is a work of fiction, it does not pretend to be a novel. It has no hero but man. Since its purpose is not the characterization of individual human beings, no effort has been made to endow its few persons with distinctive personalities. There is no plot, except the theme of man's struggle in this awkward age to master himself and to come to terms with the universe.
Star Maker : Journey through cosmic philosophy and speculative fiction
Olaf Stapledon
bookOlaf Stapledon: Collected Works : Star Maker, Last and First Men, Odd John, The Flames, A Modern Magician, Last Men in London…
Olaf Stapledon
bookOlaf Stapledon: Complete Novels : Exploring Humanity, Cosmos, & Consciousness: Visionary Speculative Fiction
Olaf Stapledon
bookThe Philosophical & Science-Fiction Works of Olaf Stapledon : Star Maker, Last and First Men, Odd John, Sirius, The Flames, A Modern Theory of Ethics…
Olaf Stapledon
bookThe Complete Novels of Olaf Stapledon : Sci-Fi Classics, Space Adventures & Dystopian Tales: Star Maker, Odd John, Last and First Men…
Olaf Stapledon
bookThrough the Depths of the Universe: Complete Sci-Fi Works of Olaf Stapledon : Star Maker, Last and First Men, Odd John, The Flames, A Modern Magician, Last Men in London…
Olaf Stapledon
bookLast and First Men : A Story of the Near and Far Future (Sci-Fi Classic)
Olaf Stapledon
bookThe Collected Works of Olaf Stapledon : Science Fiction Novels, Fantasy Short Stories and Philosophical Works
Olaf Stapledon
bookSirius : A Fantasy of Love and Discord (Sci-Fi Novel)
Olaf Stapledon
bookStar Maker : Journey through the Depths of Cosmic Philosophy and Speculative Fiction
Olaf Stapledon
bookThe Complete Novels : Exploring the Cosmos: A Visionary Collection of Science Fiction and Philosophical Novels
Olaf Stapledon
bookThe Philosophy & Sci-Fi Works of Olaf Stapledon : Exploring Cosmic and Metaphysical Themes in Speculative Fiction
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