


Blade McCormick is not a nice guy. He’s pure adrenaline and smells like smoke and leather—the kind of guy you look at and know he’s going to be a combination of nasty and irresistible. The moment I allowed myself to touch his hot skin and kiss his full lips, I. Was. Done. Like currency, I’ve become part of a transaction. Blade took me to pay off a debt. I try to tell myself, Eve, you should hate him. He’s a bad guy. But then again, I’m not a good girl. Blade’s the president of the Disciples, the notorious motorcycle club. I should be frightened, yet somehow, he doesn’t scare me. If anything, I think I scare him.


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This just got worse and worse. The guy takes the girl as payment for her brothers fuck up. He then brands her the same way inhumane people brands cattle. He takes her to live with him and when she disobeys him he threatens to kill her, to sexually assault her and sell her to a human trafficking person where she’ll be sold, raped and who knows what else. When she begs for him to let her stay with him, he lets her and then they fuck. What the fuck? The most painful part is that the girl likes him. He is outright horrible and she likes him. Sometimes when the book is written form both perspectives I can hate the guy when I am in the girls perspective but then come around when I get to read the guys perspective. Not. This. Book. The guy doesn’t seem to understand how truly awfully he is. Yes, he does say he is a bad guy but he doesn’t really seem to understand just how awful he truly is. I don’t know why I didn’t stop reading it sooner. Guess I wanted the guy to see all his wrong doings and to actually feel remorse and apologize to the girl but alas no.