
Make Me Forget (Make Me Series Book 1)


Welcome to Kennedy Fox Bedtime Reads! Steamy love stories you can listen to in one sitting! After everyone goes to bed for the night, snuggle up with a Kennedy Fox Bedtime Read! These are fast-paced, full-length standalone novels that are filled with humor and insta-lust, but still have everything you love about a Kennedy Fox book.

Never trust a man who answers the front door wearing nothing more than a pair of low-cut jeans and a panty-melting smirk. That should've been my first sign. I write about guys just like him for a living - sexy and charming, yet reluctant to get into a serious relationship. His body screams sex appeal, but his condescending personality makes him a classic f--kboy. And I want nothing to do with that.

Writing romance novels comes with its perks - traveling, meeting new people, creating characters from the voices in my head - but Ethan Rochester enters my life and rearranges all my preconceived notions about writing what inspires you. One week is all it took. One week to realize that not everything is as it seems.

One week with the bad boy, and I wanted more.

An Author's Republic audio production.


87 ratings



Rolig, dramatisk och het!



OBS. Heter ”Make me Forget” i nysläpp. En het bok om en överhettad och trött författare som skriver HETA böcker - och som nu, mitt i en plågsam skriv-torka, tvingas ihop med en MAN som platsar i hennes böcker. Författar-twisten gör storyn lite extra men resten är mer traditionell romcom-stil dvs. missförstånd, hemligheter och missuppfattningar. Ja o lite hett hångel. Tidsfördriv med heta stunder i hett klimat -Charleston, South Carolina. Troligen skön i solstolen 😉 Audioboken har sköna uppläsare som kompletterar varandra fint.