
Mastering Bitcoin : A Beginners Guide to Money Investing in Digital Cryptocurrency with Trading, Mining and Blockchain Technologies Essentials


Bitcoin is digital cash, a type of money put away in an Online "virtual wallet", free from the control of governments or national banks.

As an electronic resource, you can purchase Bitcoins, claim them, and send them to another person. Presently, there are above 14 million Bitcoins that have been made, expanding by 25 Bitcoins like clockwork or thereabouts, with a concurred breaking point of 21 million, the remainder of which ought to be made a little before the year 2140.

It is imperative that you understand what Bitcoin is, a made-up cash that exclusive exists in the digital world. And in fact, it's not even cash by any means. It's a creation. It's a bit of innovation. And it's the innovation part which is super fascinating, the blockchain technology behind it, and not just the Bitcoin itself.

Here is a preview of what you'll hear....

How Bitcoin works

Bitcoin transactions

Bitcoin mining

The blockchain

Bitcoin overview

And much, much more!

Narrator: Matt Montanez



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