Historically, an important role of museums has been to contribute to national homogenization. The book specifically deals with how the Swedish museum sector of culture and history addresses new demands from a society that is profoundly characterized by migration and cultural diversity. Besides the museums' representations of migration and cultural diversity, the book also examines how changes in the museum sector relate to general policy developments in the fields of culture, integration and minorities. The book also discusses whether and how museums are open for dialogue and collaboration with migrants and ethnic minorities and the kinds of problems museums encounter in their efforts to be more inclusive.
Annie Ernaux, Tanya Leslie
audiobookPå svenska! 1 Lärobok
Ulla Göransson, Mai Parada
bookA Girl's Story
Annie Ernaux, Alison L. Strayer
audiobookThe Years
Annie Ernaux
audiobookMuseums in a time of Migration : Rethinking museums' roles, representations, collections, and collaborations
Peggy Levitt
bookMusikhögskolan av igår
Clas Pehrsson
bookDen mångfaldiga historien : tio historiker om forskningen inför framtiden
Roger Qvarsell, Bengt Sandin
bookOm Böcker I-III av Ida Börjel
Lars Raattamaa
bookAbolition Democracy
Angela Y. Davis
audiobookSvensk snillrikhet? : nationella föreställningar om entreprenörer och teknisk begåvning 1800–2000
bookArchitectural Aesthetic Speculations : On Kahn and Deleuze
Jasper Michael
bookSkuldsatt : om hur obetalda lån blev en lysande affärsidé
Lena Pettersson