
On a Chariot of Fire : The Story of India’s Bene Israel


Two thousand years ago, a ship sailed east, alone on an endless sea. The people onboard were fleeing the same war that the Maccabees fought in the ancient land of Israel. They took with them their faith and their traditions, knowing they would sail for more than a year.

When a great storm crushed their boat on the shores of India, only a few survived.

Some say the prophet Elijah plucked them from the sea.

But they were welcomed by the people of the new land.

They survived and adapted, with new spices for their food and new clothing and culture to borrow, but never strayed from their faith.

They say Elijah came back down from Heaven in a chariot of fire to praise this community, the Bene Israel of India, for their strength and their belief.

Here, for all to share, is their story.