Set during the last years of the first and the early years of second century the story follows Quintus Claudius, a young man from Campania on his adventure in Imperial Rome. Impressed with the stories of Rome he heard in his family, Quintus decides to take a trip to the famous capital of the Empire, with his adopted sister Lucilia, to look for their chance of happiness. The story follows them on their path as they go through many adventures and misadventures, finding both troubles and romances.
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bookQuintus Claudius (Vol. 1&2) : Historical Novel – The Era of Imperial Rome
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Ernst Eckstein
bookQuintus Claudius
Ernst Eckstein
Ernst Eckstein
bookQuintus Claudius (Vol. 1&2) : Historical Novel – The Era of Imperial Rome
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bookQuintus Claudius (Vol. 1&2) : Historical Novel - A Romance of Imperial Rome
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