
Scale of the Dragon


Her key to freedom is also her torment.

Mina is an outcast. A childhood accident left her scarred and with a curse that her master exploits to hunt dragons for sport.

She wants freedom, from both her master and the curse, but unless the right dragon is killed, she’ll be a bondservant for the rest of her days.

With Mina’s uncanny ability and her master’s magical strength, the beast responsible for her misery will fall … even if she has to take matters into her own hands.

Scale of the Dragon is the first episode in the series Marked by the Dragon.


7 ratings



I enjoyed the story, short but it gives you enough curiosity towards the continuing books. The narrator was great.



Den är lite seg i början innan man får ihop karaktärerna och vad den handlar om, men sedan byggs spänningen upp och man får tusen obesvarade frågor.....som vanligt av denna författare. Älskar berättarrösten Kevin, han gör olika röster till alla karaktärerna vilket levandegör berättelsen. Nu ska jag genast lyssna på bok nr 2 i serien.