1. Captain Blood

    Rafael Sabatini

  2. Aseistettu rakkaus

    Rafael Sabatini

  3. The Black Swan : Sea Adventure Novel

    Rafael Sabatini

  4. SEA ADVENTURE - Boxed Set: The Best Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Maritime Stories : Lord Jim, Captain Blood, Robinson Crusoe, The Pirate, The Sea Wolf, Moby Dick, Treasure Island…

    Joseph Conrad, Herman Melville, Jack London, R. L. Stevenson, Daniel Defoe, Tobias Smollett, Walter Scott, Frederick Marryat, Edgar Allan Poe, James Fenimore Cooper, Thomas Mayne Reid, Victor Hugo, R. M. Ballantyne, Jules Verne, L. Frank Baum, Randall Parrish, Charles Boardman Hawes, Rudyard Kipling, Ralph Henry Barbour, Rafael Sabatini, Jeffery Farnol

  5. THE DEEP BLUE ABYSS Boxed Set : Robinson Crusoe, The Pirate, Moby Dick, Treasure Island, The Sea Wolf, The Red Rover, An Antarctic Mystery, Lord Jim…

    Walter Scott, Frederick Marryat, Herman Melville, R. L. Stevenson, Daniel Defoe, Tobias Smollett, Edgar Allan Poe, James Fenimore Cooper, Thomas Mayne Reid, Victor Hugo, R. M. Ballantyne, Jules Verne, Jack London, L. Frank Baum, Randall Parrish, Charles Boardman Hawes, Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, Ralph Henry Barbour, Rafael Sabatini, Jeffery Farnol, Henry De Vere Stacpoole

  6. Four Books about the Borgias

    Rafael Sabatini, Ferdinand Gregorovius, Nicolo Machiavelli

  7. Corbalin vihkiäiset : Romaani Ranskan vallankumouksen ajoilta

    Rafael Sabatini

  8. El Capitán Sangre : Historia de aventuras y piratería en alta mar (Nueva Traducción)

    Rafael Sabatini

  9. Rafael Sabatini Collection : [The Complete Works with Illustrated & Annotated]

    Rafael Sabatini

  10. 50+ Pirate Novels: An Ultimate Collection (Including Great Seafaring Legends) : Treasure Island, Captain Blood, Sea Hawk, The Dark Frigate, Blackbeard, Pieces of Eight & many more

    Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, Jeffery Farnol, Howard Pyle, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Walter Scott, Frederick Ferdinand Moore, Daniel Defoe, Alexandre Dumas, Frederick Marryat, John Masefield, Rafael Sabatini, Harold MacGrath, Joseph Lewis French, Harry Collingwood, Charles Boardman Hawes, L. Frank Baum, J. M. Barrie, R. M. Ballantyne, G. A. Henty, Stephen W. Meader, J. Allan Dunn, Robert E. Howard, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ralph D. Paine, W. H. G. Kingston, William Macleod Raine, Percy F.Westerman

  11. Davy Jones' Locker: An Ultimate Pirate Collection (80+ Novels & Adventure Stories in One Edition) : The Book of Buried Treasure, The Dark Frigate, Blackbeard, The King of Pirates…

    Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, Jeffery Farnol, Howard Pyle, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Walter Scott, Frederick Ferdinand Moore, Daniel Defoe, Alexandre Dumas, Charles Ellms, Frederick Marryat, John Masefield, Rafael Sabatini, Harold MacGrath, Joseph Lewis French, Clarence Henry Haring, Harry Collingwood, Stanley Lane-Poole, Charles Boardman Hawes, L. Frank Baum, J. M. Barrie, R. M. Ballantyne, G. A. Henty, J. D. Jerrold Kelley, Stephen W. Meader, J. Allan Dunn, Robert E. Howard, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ralph D. Paine, Captain Charles Johnson, W. H. G. Kingston, William Macleod Raine, Currey E. Hamilton, John Esquemeling, Percy F.Westerman
