The Circle's power
has lured her home. . . .
Forced to move from sunny California to gloomy New England, Cassie longs for her old life. Even so, she feels a strange kinship to a terrifying group of teens who seem to rule her school. Initiated into the coven of witches that’s controlled New Salem for hundreds of years, she’s drawn into the Secret Circle, a thrill that’s both intoxicating and deadly. But when she falls for the mysterious and intriguing Adam, Cassie must choose whether to resist temptation or risk dark forces to get what she wants—even if it means that one wrong move could ultimately destroy her.
Så tacksam att jag inte fortsatte titta på denna som tvserie utan valde att lyssna/läsa böckerna istället för böckerna är faktiskt bra, har lyssnat på fyra böcker under dom senaste tre dagarna. Önskar dock att den skulle ha haft ett mer detaljerat universe så man fick en djupare connection till karaktärerna och deras historia.
Mycket fantasy och fint skriven. Want more...
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