This book covers the practical syllabus a student skipper needs if they are to pass advanced sailing exams. It is also designed to be kept on board as a coaching guide covering common situations that may trip up even the most experienced yacht skipper. It covers the practical side of yacht cruising: how to be a better skipper, berth the yacht, handle her under sail, recover a man overboard, navigate and carry out safe and efficient passages. Illustrated with charts and diagrams, and including revision and test sections, this is perfect both as an on-board reference and to be used as exam preparation.
Yachting Start to Finish: From Beginner to Advanced: The Perfect Guide to Improving Your Yachting Skills
Barry Pickthall
bookSuperyacht Captain : Life and Leadership in the World’s Most Incredible Industry
Brendan O'Shannassy
audiobookSmällar man får ta! : Vågstycken från Medelhavet och Europas kanaler
Peter Lindblom
bookYacht Evolution
Amelia Khatri
bookMed båt genom Europas kanaler : Rhen, Donau och Rhône
Marie Blomqvist, Lars Hässler
bookSeglingar I Medelhavet : Svarta havet & Röda havet
Lars Hässler, Marie Blomqvist
bookYachting Monthly's 200 Skipper's Tips: Instant Skills to Improve Your Seamanship
Tom Cunliffe
bookIntroduction to Yacht Design: For boat owners, buyers, students & novice designers
Ian Nicolson
bookI båt genom Europas kanaler -en landkrabbas äventyr på de andra historiska platserna
Leslie Montan
bookWhere Are the Customers' Yachts?
Fred Schwed
audiobookNautisk uppslagsbok : facktermer för båtfolk
Bengt O. Hult
bookCosa Nostra ~ Passion eller hat, vad är Siciliens sak?
Erik Niva