Should droids be free? Should clone troopers? What political and ethical ideas ground resistance and rebellion? What's wrong with the way women are portrayed in Star Wars? Does Han Solo have a philosophical worldview? Was Galen Erso responsible for the destruction of Alderaan? Should you eat Baby Yoda? Thirty-six philosophers, both sages and scoundrels among them, examine the full range of deep questions throughout the Star Wars chronology.
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Inside the Star Wars Empire
Bill Kimberlin
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Louis Friedman
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Betsy T. Phillips
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Rena Steinzor
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Ric Gillespie
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Brian VanDeMark
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Caroline E. Janney
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Harvey Rice, Jackie Cole
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O. Edward Cunningham
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Robert F. O’Neill
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Edward G. Longacre
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Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Frank Wild, Tannatt William Edgeworth David, George Marston, Alistair Mackay, James Murray, Douglas Mawson