
The Alpha Contract


Eliot Grayson presents Book 6 in the Mismatched Mates series. Contains mature themes.

Narrator: Chris Chambers


19 ratings



Since there's no blurb, here's mine: Brook wants nothing more than to gain his father's respect and to take over the company. His problem? He's not an alpha, and worse, everyone dismisses him as weak due to his secret illness. His dad plans to mate him off to a respectable alpha that can keep him in line. That's out of the question. Brook can't risk them eventually taking his position from him. He needs someone he can trust to stay quiet & agreeable; a fake mate. Dmitri is in need of money. A lot of money. Brooks parents would never approve. He's not sophisticated enough and seems too reckless. He's Brooks only hope. My review: Dmitri is probably Graysons most wholesome Alpha so far. Non of the assumptions about Dmitri turns out to be true, which honestly is quite refreshing. I also liked how Brook rediscovered himself and his priorities.