
The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Hardy (Illustrated) : 940+ Poems, Lyrics & Verses, Including Wessex Poems, Poems of the Past and the Present, Time's Laughingstocks, Satires of Circumstance, Moments of Vision, Late Lyrics and Earlier, Human Shows…


This grand collection includes the complete poetry of the great Victorian author Thomas Hardy, containing over 940 poems, verses and lyrics:

Wessex Poems and Other Verses

The Temporary the All



"In Vision I Roamed"

At a Bridal


A Confession to a Friend in Trouble

Neutral Tones


Her Initials

Her Dilemma


She, To Him


The Sergeant's Song


San Sebastian

The Stranger's Song

The Burghers


The Peasant's Confession

The Alarm

Her Death and After

The Dance at the Phœnix

The Casterbridge Captains

A Sign-Seeker

My Cicely

Her Immortality

The Ivy-Wife

A Meeting with Despair


Friends Beyond

To Outer Nature

Thoughts of Phena

Middle-Age Enthusiasms

In a Wood

To a Lady

To an Orphan Child

Nature's Questioning

The Impercipient

At an Inn

The Slow Nature

In a Eweleaze near Weatherbury

The Fire at Tranter Sweatley's

Heiress and Architect

The Two Men


"I Look into my Glass"

Poems of the Past and the Present



The Colonel's Soliloquy

The Going of the Battery

At the War Office

A Christmas Ghost-Story

The Dead Drummer

A Wife in London

The Souls of the Slain

Song of the Soldiers' Wives

The Sick God

Genoa and the Mediterranean

Shelley's Skylark

In the Old Theatre, Fiesole

Rome: on the Palatine

Lausanne: In Gibbon's Old Garden

Zermatt: To the Matterhorn

The Bridge of Lodi

On an Invitation to the United States...

Time's Laughingstocks and Other Verses

The Revisitation

A Trampwoman's Tragedy

The Two Rosalinds

A Sunday Morning Tragedy

The House of Hospitalities


John and Jane

The Curate's Kindness

The Flirt's Tragedy

The Rejected Member's Wife

The Farm-Woman's Winter

Autumn in King's Hintock Park

Shut out that Moon

Reminiscences of a Dancing Man

The Dead Man Walking

Satires of Circumstance…

Moments of Vision

Late Lyrics and Earlier


Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was an English novelist and poet. A Victorian realist, he was influenced in his poetry by Romanticism, especially William Wordsworth.