
The Contract


This novel from bestselling author Melanie Moreland asks the question, What do you do when the one person you hate the most becomes the one person you can't live without?


97 ratings



Rolig stundtals i början. Seg sista timmarna, orkade inte lyssna klart.



Starts of with a sharp bite and a hate-to-hate feeling, making me really happy and hoping for a great time reading. Fun and sassy as it unravels and has a longing slow burn vibe during the middle making sense and building it up. BUT then unfortunately it twists into a overly sweet, fluffy and flat last quarter that I had to speed up to stomach -too mushy and obvious. All in all an ok read but I’m not in a hurry to read other books by the author. Sad because I had my eyes set on the BAM-series next. Time will tell if I go for it later on.