The #1 New York Times bestseller and “frightening” (The New York Times) thriller from master storyteller Stephen King about a clairvoyant man who must weigh his options when he sees the terrible future awaiting mankind.
When Johnny Smith was six years old, head trauma caused by a bad ice-skating accident left him with a nasty bruise on his forehead and, from time to time, those hunches…infrequent but accurate snippets of things to come. But it isn’t until Johnny’s a grown man—now having survived a horrifying auto injury that plunged him into a coma lasting four-and-a-half years—that his special abilities really push to the fore. Johnny Smith has come back from the void with an extraordinary gift that becomes his life’s curse…presenting visions of what was and what will be for both the innocent and guilty alike. But when he encounters a ruthlessly ambitious and amoral man who promises a terrifying fate for all humanity, Johnny must find a way to prevent a harrowing predestination from becoming reality…
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