
The German Classics of the 19th and 20th Century (Vol. 1-14) : Masterpieces of German Literature


German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries is a collection of carefully selected masterpieces of German literature in last two centuries. The most representative German writers of each period are brought together and represented by their best and finest works from the great epoch of Classicism and Romanticism to early modern literature of twentieth century:

Vol. I & II: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Vol. III: Friedrich von Schiller

Vol. IV: Jean Paul; Wilhelm von Humboldt; August Wilhelm Schlegel; Friedrich Schlegel; Novalis; Friedrich Hölderlin; Ludwig Tieck; Heinrich von Kleist

Vol. V: Friedrich Schleiermacher; Johann Gottlieb Fichte; Friedrich Wilhem Joseph von Schelling; Ludgwig Achim von Arnim and Clemens Brentano; Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm; Ernst Moritz Arndt; Theodor Kürner; Maximilian Gottfried von Schenkendorf; Ludwig Uhland; Joseph von Eichendorff; Adalbert von Chamisso; Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann; Friedrich Baron de la Motte-Fouqué; Wilhelm Hauff; Friedrich Rükert; August von Platen-Hallermund

Vol. VI: Heinrich Heine; Franz Grillparzer; Ludwig van Beethoven

Vol. VII: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; Bettina von Arnim; Karl Lebrecht Immermann; Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow; Anastasius Grün, Nikolaus Lenau; Eduard Mörike; Annette Elizabeth von Droste-Hülshoff; Ferdinand Freiligrath; Moritz Graf von Strachwitz; Georg Herwegh; Emanual Geigel

Vol. VIII: Berthold Auerbach; Jeremias Gotthelf; Fritz Reuter; Adalbert Stifter; Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl

Vol. IX: Friedrich Hebbel; Otto Ludwig

Vol. X: Prince Otto von Bismarck; Count Helmuth von Moltke; Ferdinand Lassalle

Vol. XI: Friedrich Spielhagen; Theodor Storm; Wilhelm Raabe

Vol. XII: Gustav Freytag; Theodor Fontane

Vol. XII: Helene Böhlau; Clara Viebig; Eduard von Keyserling; Thomas Mann; Ludwig Thoma; Rudolf Hans Bartsch; Emil Strauss; Hermann Hesse; Ernst Zahn; Jakob Schaffner

Vol. XIV: Jakob Wassermann; Bernhard Kellermann; Max Halbe; Hugo von Hofmannsthal; Arthur Schnitzler; Frank Wedekind; Ernst Hardt