
The Last Single Girl


Get a date for the big gala in four weeks when I thought I could go solo? Challenge, accepted.

Now to find a hot, interesting guy who will dress up for a gala. Last minute. Who doesn't already have plans on the busiest date night of the year.

But, so far the best part of the search for a great date has been the cute café I found and the geeky-hot owner who keeps rescuing me from these crazy eLove.com dates.

This should be easy-peasy. The internet is the home of all your hopes and needs, right?

Spoiler Alert: it isn't.

Between the bromance date and the crazed single dad who needs to hire a nanny and housekeeper, not get a date, I'm running out of options.

If only a certain cutey didn't have a phone call with "sweetheart" every day.

The weirder things get, the more I think just going solo is very I Am Woman, blah blah blah. Forget about the fact that my heart keeps bringing me back to a certain café even when I don't need to be there...I mean, my heart doesn't always get what it wants, does it?

Narrator: Brittany Goodwin
