Winner of the 2009 Audie Award for Business/Educational Audiobook
New York Times bestselling author Jeffrey Gitomer shares his crucial sales principles featuring strategies and techniques on how to efficiently sell anything.
With a lifetime of sales experience New York Times bestselling author Jeffrey Gitomer shares his 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness so you can understand why sales happen—and how you can improve your skills.
Packed with the information you’ve been looking for, The Little Red Book of Selling delivers strategies for success that will last a lifetime. Gitomer provides his long-term, relationship-driven, and referral-oriented advice that has nothing to do with manipulation or other old-world sales tactics and everything to do with understanding buying motives and taking ethical, relationship-building actions. With these tried and tested principles you will learn the ins and outs of the field and master the fundamentals of selling success.
Finns ingen anledning till att inte lyssna på den här boken! Jeffrey säger det själv i inledningen - att hans sätt inte passar alla och att om du känner dig utpekad eller kränkt så är det bara att lägga ifrån dig boken. Jag skulle säga att det snarare då är än viktigare att du lyssnar hela vägen till slutet.
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