"The Star" is an 1897 apocalyptic short story by H.G. Wells. In January (about 1900, presumably), the people of Earth awaken to the news that a strange luminous object has erupted, into the Solar System, after disturbing the normal orbit of the planet Neptune. The object is a celestial body whose luminosity is distinguishable on the sky about the constellation of Leo.
Twelve Stories and a Dream (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe History of Mr. Polly (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Wife of Sir Isaac Harman (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Passionate Friends (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe So-Called Science of Sociology (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Magic Shop (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookAepyornis Island (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookFirst and Last Things - Book 1: Metaphysics (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookTono-Bungay - Book the First : The Days Before Tono-Bungay Was Invented (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookIn the Days of the Comet (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Island of Doctor Moreau (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookConcerning Chess (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells