
The Windsor Knot : A Novel


“Sheer entertainment… Bennett infuses wit and an arch sensibility into her prose… This is not mere froth, it is pure confection.” – New York Times Book Review

“[A] pitch-perfect murder mystery… If The Crown were crossed with Miss Marple…, the result would probably be something like this charming whodunnit.” – Ruth Ware, author of One by One

The bestselling first book in a highly original and delightfully clever crime series in which Queen Elizabeth II secretly solves crimes while carrying out her royal duties.

It is the early spring of 2016 and Queen Elizabeth is at Windsor Castle in advance of her 90th birthday celebrations. But the preparations are interrupted by the shocking and untimely death of a guest in one of the Castle bedrooms. The scene leads some to think the young Russian pianist strangled himself, yet a badly tied knot leads MI5 to suspect foul play. When they begin to question the Household’s most loyal servants, Her Majesty knows they’re looking in the wrong place.

For the Queen has been living an extraordinary double life ever since her teenage years as “Lilibet.” Away from the public eye and unbeknownst to her closest friends and advisers, she has the most brilliant skill for solving crimes. With help from her Assistant Private Secretary, Rozie Oshodi, a British Nigerian officer recently appointed to the Royal Horse Artillery, the Queen discreetly begins making inquiries. As she carries out her royal duties with her usual aplomb, no one in the Royal Household, the government, or the public knows that the resolute Elizabeth won’t hesitate to use her keen eye, quick mind, and steady nerve to bring a murderer to justice.

SJ Bennett captures Queen Elizabeth’s voice with skill, nuance, wit, and genuine charm in this imaginative and engaging mystery that portrays Her Majesty as she’s rarely seen: kind yet worldly, decisive, shrewd, and, most important, a superb judge of character.

Narrator: Jane Copland



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En väldigt bra bok med karaktärer som är lätta att tycka om. Intressant miljö. Tyckte verkligen om hur drottningens & prins Philips relation skildrade. Uppläsaren är helt fenomenal & låter precis som drottningen när hon talar.



Morgonen efter ett Dine-and-Sleep i Windsor Castle hittas en rysk pianist död i sitt rum. Det ser ut som om en amorös lek har gått snett (alternativt självmord), men MI5 kommer fram till att det är fråga om mord och är snart inne på teorin om att en rysk Sleeping Agent finns på slottet och att Putin ligger bakom det hela. Drottningen är dock av en annan åsikt och inleder en egen utredning med hjälp av sin (relativt) nyanställda assistent Rosie. *** Först av allt: uppläsaren av boken har en underbar brittisk engelska som passar utmärkt till handlingen. 🤗 Själva boken är en helt vanlig pusseldeckare med en ovanlig utredare, men jag kan absolut tänka mig Drottningen i den rollen. Berättelsen har en lite seg bit ungefär en tredjedel in, men annars är den nog så intressant, klurig och spännande. Jag lyssnar gärna på fler historier med Drottningen som deckare. 🤗