
Valor : Brave & Unabridged


“The man that believes he will commit to any task based on how he feels is a habitual liar, for he lies to himself hoping to someday believe it.”

They say the truth hurts, but as surgery is also painful; it is needed for specific dilemmas. “Valor” was constructed for surgically removing qualities that don’t serve a significant purpose to the man of today. In the world that we live in today, it is no secret that valor is lacking in the man of our age. With technological advancements and many other societal aspects, many men believe that there are fewer reasons to bare valor than ever before. By acquiring “Valor”, one could gain the edge that they need on their competition & the ability to fight for those that they love and respect. In “Valor”, I will lead you through a series of 7 different assertions.

· What Valor is

· How to gain Valor

· What Valor allows one to do

· Why Valor is needed

· What life is like for those with Valor

· The origins of Valor

· How to remain Valiant in challenging situations

People need valor today, people today need your valor. Be valiant… get “Valor”