Filosoffen og digteren Henry David Thoreau skrev sit hovedværk Walden – Livet i skovene for over 100 år siden, mens han boede alene i et lille hus ved bredden af skovsøen Walden Ponds. Det er en bog om naturen og menneskets forhold til den – og Thoreaus poetiske og bidske optegnelser er velkomne og vedkommende i en tid, der trues af økologiske katastrofer.
Walden : Livet i skovene
- 251 pages
- 151 books
Henry David Thoreau
American essayist, poet, and practical philosopher, best-known for his autobiographical story of life in the woods, WALDEN (1854). Thoreau became one of the leading personalities in New England Transcendentalism. He wrote tirelessly but earned from his books and journalism little. Thoreau's CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE (1849) influenced Gandhi in his passive resistance campaigns, Martin Luther King, Jr., and at one time the politics of the British Labour Party. Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts, which was center of his life, although he spent several years in his childhood in the neighboring towns and later elsewhere. He died of tuberculosis, and he is buried in his family's plot near the graves of his friends Hawthorne, Alcott, Emerson, and Channing on Author's Ridge in Concord's Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.
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