In the fifth installment of Ian Douglas's Warstrider series, a disembodied Dev Cameron ventures into deep space, where he encounters a race of asteroid-dwelling aliens intent on the genocide of all foreign species.
Alien Agendas : Solar Warden Book 3
Ian Douglas
audiobookAlien Hostiles
Ian Douglas
audiobookBright Light
Ian Douglas
audiobookDarkness Falling
Ian Douglas
audiobookDark Mind
Ian Douglas
audiobookDark Mind : Star Carrier: Book Seven
Ian Douglas
audiobookAltered Starscape : Andromedan Dark: Book One
Ian Douglas
audiobookWarstrider : Battlemind
Ian Douglas
audiobookDeep Time
Ian Douglas
audiobookWarstrider : Netlink
Ian Douglas
audiobookWarstrider : Jackers
Ian Douglas
audiobookWarstrider : Rebellion
Ian Douglas
Michael Chatfield
audiobookEnemies on All Sides
Michael Chatfield, Dawn Chapman
audiobookOn the Warpath
Michael Chatfield, Dawn Chapman
audiobookThe Vanguard Emerges
Michael Chatfield, Dawn Chapman
audiobookScorpion’s Fury : Mechanized Warfare on a Galactic Scale
C. H. Gideon, Caleb Wachter, Craig Martelle
audiobookAn Empire Is Born
Michael Chatfield, Dawn Chapman
audiobookA Heart of Ice
Ralph Kern
audiobookReturn of the Corinari
Ryk Brown
audiobookInto the Serpent's Lair
Ryk Brown
audiobookChains of Duty
Anthony James
audiobookFires of Oblivion
Anthony James
audiobookA Rock and a Hard Place
Ryk Brown