Dating expert Jazz Vazquez explains what women don’t know about men and startling male sexual dynamics. Jazz has the shocking and sometimes disturbing inside view of the rarely exposed male psyche. What does it really mean when a man tells you he finds you fascinating? Vazquez sifts through the garbage women read in chick magazines to tell you the truth. Learn about generational sex exchanges such as moms who pawn off their adult daughters to boyfriends as well as husbands who give their wives to their senior citizen fathers as “sex offerings.”
It is not what you want to hear, but what you need to know if you are a woman who wants to get married or have a hot sex life. Men like women who are tight and young. While there is still a place for older women, it is not in the bedroom unless she is hanging mini blinds or cleaning. Women who spout about their list of “what they want in a man,” are clueless to the realities of life. Mainly, women get old fast – and their market value crashes like a retail stock after Amazon takes over the industry. Find out what makes your market value rise and what makes it crash hard.
So is the “author” already in prison for serial killing women? ‘Cause the vibe he gives is totally incell and “I hate people with vaginas”. The phrase that men wants sex and younger women are the toiletfor them where sex is bowel movement xD and for the narrator - blink twice if you need help, because I don’t believe there is a woman in this world who’d read it voluntarily. If you did, have some respect for yourself. There is 12 minutes of my life I never get back. Although it was funny book, you silly human 🤣
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