


Tal Bauer presents a must-listen political thriller novel. Contains mature themes.

Narrator: John Solo


17 ratings



First of all, I recommend you first listen to Hush, to get the ultimate experience, even if it’s not necessary. Next, how to describe this book… It spans 15 years and is first and foremost military fiction. It dissects the wars following 9/11, and I recommend it to everyone interested in that. It is all the seasons of Homeland combined with Zero Dark Thirty, and more. In the center of it all are two men; two pillars entwined in a raging sea, desperately clinging to each other while the waves crash over them and try to tear them apart; sharing a love that defies even death. Who should read this book? EVERYONE should read this book. Do it now. It is by no means an easy read. You will cry; you will scream; you will have your heart ripped out again and again. Is it worth it? Yes and yes and yes. So put on your noice cancelling headphones and press play NOW.