
You End Up Where You're Heading : The Hidden Danger of Living a Safe Life


You settled for the first job that came along, the okay apartment, and the steady, but unfulfilling partner. You thought you were playing it safe.

But with each passing day, the simmering frustration with your mediocre choices feels like it might swallow you whole. You’re not growing, not creating, not moving. The person you want to be is gasping for air, but you don’t know how to breathe life into them. The “safe” path is slowly killing you.

In You End up Where You’re Heading, Jimmy Rex and Cameron Carling pull back the curtain on the easy, inauthentic life you’ve been sold and give you tools to seek your unmet potential. You’ll learn how to shift your mindset from a stuck Settler to a curious Explorer, push through when the road gets rough, and exponentially expand your rewards.

Anything is possible in life. But everything lies on the other side of fear.

Narrator: Jimmy Rex