Crossroads of Oblivion

Series • 2 books

You've done well in life—but success is dull. You miss the days when you strove for a goal, when life was full of meaning and struggle. Well, fate has given you the chance to feel all of that again—granted, in less than comfortable circumstances.

You wake up in a strange place where every day is a fight for survival, where even relaxing for a minute can spell your doom. This place is your new home—it is both strict confinement and a whole universe unto itself . . .

As your new reality is revealed to you, drip by tedious drip, you learn that your cross-shaped quarters are actually soaring through the air, and you are not alone—there are hundreds of others like you. You dream only of escape but have no idea what to expect in the alien world beyond. Your life is terrifying, full of mystery, and deeply fulfilling, once again.

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