
80 Years Without Dementia : Diagnosis Doesn't Define Life


As I’m sure you know from media reporting over recent years...

…diagnosis rates for dementia are rising all over the world. And so, it would seem, is fear and misunderstanding around the disease. Ask almost anyone you meet about their greatest concerns around ageing and the word dementia is highly likely to come up. But should a diagnosis really define an inspiring life previously led? And what if it wasn’t all bad, or could actually teach us lessons about life? In this heartfelt book about her family’s journey with dementia, Lisa opens our mind to the possibility of reframing a diagnosis (from an ‘absolute’ negative to a ‘potential’ positive) as she recounts the life lessons her Dad’s dementia has taught her, including those about caring for others, courage, guilt, gratitude, living for today, regret, simple pleasures and a few others. Her hope is that you will be inspired by the insights she has gained and use them to support you in your own life, whether dementia is part of your family story, or not.