
A Boy Trooper with Sheridan


In "A Boy Trooper with Sheridan" by Stanton P. Allen, the author presents a firsthand account of the American Civil War from the perspective of a young Union soldier serving under General Philip Sheridan. The book is written in a straightforward and engaging narrative style, providing readers with a unique glimpse into the experiences of a boy soldier during a turbulent period in American history. Allen's vivid descriptions and attention to detail bring the battles and daily life of a trooper to life, making this a valuable primary source for historians and Civil War enthusiasts alike. Additionally, the book sheds light on the role of young soldiers in the conflict and the challenges they faced on the battlefield. Stanton P. Allen's personal experiences as a former Union soldier likely inspired him to document his memories in this memoir, offering readers a valuable perspective on the Civil War. His firsthand knowledge and authentic voice add depth and authenticity to the narrative, making it a compelling read for those interested in military history and personal accounts of war. I highly recommend "A Boy Trooper with Sheridan" to anyone seeking a captivating and informative look into the life of a young soldier during the Civil War.