Responsible persons usually do not make people feel bad, hurt others, commit social crimes, do things that are against the norms of society or humanity in general. Being responsible means carrying the responsibility for all that one says and does, and not blaming others, the planets, or God for anything that goes wrong in their lives. People are directly responsible for the lives they lead. In a way, even the birth of a person was caused by them simply because it was their own past Karma that got them their birth.
Religions thrive, wars are fought, large numbers of people are tortured, enslaved, and killed - all in the name of a celestial being in the sky called God. It is strange that everyone is somehow born in the right 'religion' and that their god is always the true one while all others worship false gods.
Almost all organised religions ensure that the thinking faculty of people is under the control of the few that head them. Followers are asked to fear God, blindly follow commandments, and cough up a part of their monthly earnings to the managing body of their religious organisation.
The Sanatana Dharma, on the other hand, not only encourages people to ask questions but pushes them to do so and to be true to the path of seeking. As against one, two, three, or a few more holy books of major religions of the world, the Sanatana Dharma has an endless library of ancient writings that could take an entire lifetime or more to go through. However, studying the Teachings of Krishna in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita which contains the core philosophy of Vedanta in a condensed form helps a seeker learn to live the life of a true KarmaYogi and Karmically evolve by staying on the path of righteousness through a blessed, blissful, rewarding and fulfilling life.
May you stay blessed with excellent health, freedom, peace, happiness, and prosperity.
Jai Shri Krishna
Tavamithram Sarvada
Harihi Aum
Åhh det är jättemånga intressanta termer som förklaras av text och uppläsare, vilket är bra.. jag blir så inspirerad, jag måste lyssna om på det här ljudspåret, igen och igen!!
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