
As A Man Thinketh

ljudbok och e-bok

From the celebrated author of `As A Man Thinketh‘ this is another of Allen‘s life shaping books in audio format. `The Path To Prosperity‘ will teach you the secret of `Health and Success‘, How to discover and direct your `Personal Force‘. Why the outside World is a `mirror‘ of you. How to direct and shape your life to `Realize Your Prosperity‘. How to escape any undesirable conditions that affect your life and change for the better.

UpplÀsare: Paul Darn


12 recensioner



MĂ„ste vara den sĂ€msta boken jag blivit rekommenderad sedan jag lĂ€rde mig lĂ€sa. Boken gĂ„r i princip ut pĂ„ att förklara för dig att du mĂ„r dĂ„ligt/har det tufft ekonomiskt/har sjukdomar etc pga hur du tĂ€nker. ”Suffering is always the effect of wrong thought in some direction”. Riktig amerikansk smörja som gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att skuldbelĂ€gga individen, istĂ€llet för att ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta inbyggda samhĂ€llsstrukturer som gynnar en liten klick men missgynnar pyramidens botten.