
Barney, the Runaway Donkey


Intelligent and full of pranks, the donkey Barney Gray adds excitement to living on a farm!

"That rolly-poly fellow with long ears stretching high is Barney dear, the donkey, we must not pass him by! For he's the dearest donkey that ever stood stock-still, or ran away, or smashed a cart to show his tricksy will!" Emilie Poulsson

Being a compilation of Emilie Poulsson's beloved Barney poems:

The Runaway Donkey, The Pony Needed, A Donkey's Ears, An Obliging Donkey, One of Barney's Jokes, and Old Barney's Latest Prank,

from her books Through the Farmyard Gate and The Runaway Donkey and Other Verses for Children.

copyright 2021(P) alenbeebooks

running time: 22 minutes