
Can Thought Stop?: Amsterdam 1967 - Public Talk 4


"Can thought stop? - 28 May 1967

‱ When there is a process of recognition it is the projection of the past. The mind

is always functioning within the field of time, which is of memory. Can the

mind go beyond that?

‱ What is pleasure and what is desire?

‱ How is it possible, without control, subjugation or denying, for thought not to

allow itself to interfere?

‱ When all authority of every kind is put aside, denied, then you can find out for


‱ When you are completely attentive, you see. It is only love that sees - not

thought, the mind or the intellect. One has to learn how to look, how to hear.

‱ Q: Could you distinguish between what you mean by the word ‘recognizing’

and ‘being aware’?

‱ Q: How is one to break off a concept that one has carefully built?"