I got a letter one day, a long letter that wasn't signed. Camille reads this narration of events from pre-war France, certain that it has been sent to her by mistake. Then more letters start to arrive - They tell of a friendship struck up between a young village girl, Annie, and Madame M, a bourgeois lady. To begin with the women simply share a love of art, but when Annie offers to carry a child for her infertile friend, their lives become intimately entwined. The child is born on the eve of the German invasion of France, and the repercussions of her birth are still felt decades later. This stunning debut novel, in the vein of Irène Némirovsky's 'Suite Française', is a gripping study of the destruction unleashed, when human desires for love and motherhood turn to obsession.
- 135 sidor
- 2 böcker
Hélène Grémillon
HÉLÈNE GRÉMILLON, född 1977, är litteraturvetare och historiker och arbetade som journalist på Le Figaro innan hon blev författare på heltid. Hennes debutroman, Den förtrogne, har blivit en stor succé i Frankrike och sålts till arton länder.
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