
Dancing at Midnight


Lady Arabella Blydon has beauty and a brain, and she's tired of men who can see only one without the other.

When a suitor tells Arabella he's willing to overlook her appalling bluestocking tendencies on account of her looks and fortune, she decides to take a break from the Marriage Mart. During an extended stay in the country, she never expects to meet Lord John Blackwood, a wounded war hero who intrigues her like no other man.

Lord John has lived through the worst horros of war...but nothing could have been as terrifying to his tormented heart as Lady Arabella. She is intoxicating, infuriating...and she makes him want to live again. Suddenly he's writing bad poetry and climbing trees in the pitch-dark night...just so he can dance with her as the clock strikes midnight. And even though he knows he can never be the sort of man she deserves, he can't help wanting her. But when the harsh light of day replaces the magic of midnight, can this tormented soul learn to love again?

UpplÀsare: Lucy Rayner


150 recensioner



Jag gillade den. Den Àr i stil med övriga Julia Quinn-böcker. Man kan vara medveten om att vÄldtÀkt Àr ett Äterkommande Àmne sÄ om man tycker att det Àr för obehagligt att höra om kanske man ska hoppa över denna bok. Jag tyckte det var jobbigt Àven om det inte beskrevs sÀrskilt ingÄende men valde ÀndÄ att lyssna pÄ hela boken.