Humanity's past lies buried beneath the ruins of near annihilation, concealed by a secret entity and its ancient blueprint to enslave mankind. But at the dawn of a far more treacherous new battle of domination, the war between humanity and its alien puppeteers is forged by a group of determined rebels whose forbidden knowledge of their inhuman enemy only begins to prepare them for what lies ahead... In her chrysalis state, Baroness Beausoleil was a betrayer, a murderer, an arch foe of mankind. Now, her metamorphosis into Overlord Lilitu poses a far greater menace. But she needs human help in a plot to overthrow her brethren and seize control of the last remaining Anunnaki stronghold on Earth. Buried deep in the sands of the Sinai, a secret port can unleash the dangerous mysteries of an alien race—unless the Cerberus rebels can outwit a she-god with an army at her disposal... and the cunning and cruelty to wrest Earth for herself.
Mutie Nation [Dramatized Adaptation] : Deathlands 153
James Axler
audiobookFreak Pharm [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookDoom Horizon [Dramatized Adaptation] : Deathlands 155
James Axler
audiobookReaper's Peace [Dramatized Adaptation] : Deathlands 154
James Axler
audiobookHostile Takeover [Dramatized Adaptation] : The Trader 3
James Axler
audiobookExtinction Generation [Dramatized Adaptation] : Deathlands 149
James Axler
audiobookRed Letter Daze [Dramatized Adaptation] : Deathlands 146
James Axler
audiobookSea Hag [Dramatized Adaptation] : Deathlands 140
James Axler
audiobookProdigal's Return [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookBlood Harvest [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookHomeward Bound [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookRed Holocaust [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
Exile to Hell [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookOblivion Stone [Dramatized Adaptation] : Outlanders 54
James Axler
audiobookDistortion Offensive [Dramatized Adaptation] : Outlanders 55
James Axler
audiobookCradle of Destiny [Dramatized Adaptation] : Outlanders 56
James Axler
audiobookCerberus Storm [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookProdigal Chalice [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookSargasso Plunder [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookPurgatory Road [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookSatan's Seed [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookDragoneye [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookMad God's Wrath [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
audiobookTalon and Fang [Dramatized Adaptation]
James Axler
Rattlesnake Wells, Wyoming [Dramatized Adaptation]
William W. Johnstone, J.A. Johnstone
audiobookBullet for A Half-Breed [Dramatized Adaptation]
Frank Leslie
audiobookFury [Dramatized Adaptation]
Peter Brandvold
audiobookBehind The Iron [Dramatized Adaptation]
William W. Johnstone, J.A. Johnstone
audiobookSlaughter of the Mountain Man [Dramatized Adaptation] : Smoke Jensen 49
William W. Johnstone, J.A. Johnstone
audiobookGemini Cell [Dramatized Adaptation]
Myke Cole
audiobookHumane Killer
Diana Gabaldon, Sam Sykes
audiobookMount Fitz Roy (3 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] : Sun Symbol 2
Scott Sigler
audiobookHell's Angel [Dramatized Adaptation] : Lou Prophet, Bounty Hunter 11
Peter Brandvold
audiobookI Travel By Night [Dramatized Adaptation]
Robert McCammon
audiobookRogue Clone [Dramatized Adaptation]
Steven L. Kent
audiobookThe Earth Died Screaming (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Chuck Rogers