In the latest installment of the Bad Boys of Red Hook series, Slater finds himself falling for sweet, outgoing Rocki, who happens to be keeping a big secret.
The Novice
Ava Lohan
audiobookOn the Edge : The Grange Complex Book 1
Joanna Mazurkiewicz
Nicole Williams
Steph Campbell, Liz Reinhardt
audiobookThe Slam
Haleigh Lovell
audiobookThe White Ladies of Worcester : Historical Romance
Florence L. Barclay
bookLikely Suspects
G.K. Parks
audiobookRed Flags
Skye Warren
audiobookThe Natural
Dusty Richards
audiobookHot Pursuit
Julie Ann Walker
audiobook(Im)Perfectly Happy
Sharina Harris
audiobookTwo for Interference
Lasairiona McMaster